Gvern ta’ minoranza. Il-mibgheda tkompli.

Kulhadd minoranza. Hadd ma gab 50%+1. Ghandna Gvern ta’ minoranza. L-MLP u l-PN bazwru s-sistema elettorali, ghamluha biex jippenalizzaw lill AD (u rnexxilhom), izda spiccaw vittmi taghha huma stess ukoll. Minoranza ghandha l-gvern kollu f’idejha. L-aktar kandidati mahmugin bhal Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando l-aktar li marru tajjeb. Anke s-suppost ‘ucuh godda’ fi hdan l-PN stess baqghu l-art. Dan il-fatt biss jixhed car il-mentalita medjevali tal-masses li huma skuzawni l-espressjoni ‘politikament injuranti’ – il-valuri taghhom huma: l-partit l-ewwel, il-partit akkost ta’ kollox.

Sadanittant il-mixtrija u baxxa Daphne Caruana Galizia tkompli tivvomta, tigdeb u taghmilha tal-hamalla. Qeghdha f’kumpanija tajba. Se tibqa’ timpala l-liri minn kuntratti tal-gvern. Se tkompli tigdeb u tkisser in-nies bil-hmieg u l-vomtu taghha. Hamalla ‘doc’. U din tridha tal-pulita u intelligenti, meta hija l-oppost.

Ma rebah hadd, ghandna Gvern ta’ minoranza: rebah ic-Caqnu, rebah l-RCC, rebhet il-gidba finali u issa tradizzjonali ta’ Lawrence Gonzi, rebah ‘Spin Valley’.

2 Responses to “Gvern ta’ minoranza. Il-mibgheda tkompli.”

  1. Lucy Says:

    I cannot understand all this jubilation at getting 1,500 more votes than another party!!! lol. I actually feel sorry for them.

    But at least, my conscience is at peace. I voted for AD because I believe in their ideals and values. And i have no regrets, never have and never will. People can call me whatever they want. It is their conscience they have to deal with at night, and if it doesnt haunt them, then there is something seriously wrong with them. Perhaps they should put down the heineken and get real. But it’s always easier to drink the heineken than deal with reality. Sad… but true.

  2. wen Says:

    I totally agree with you Lucy,

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