Archive for February, 2012

Ready to serve – Ralph Cassar

February 28, 2012

Having contributed to my community as an Alternattiva Demokratika – The Green Party local councillor for nine years has taught me one important thing – to insist on my priorities and proposals but also to seek consensus and agreement and where this is not possible to agree to disagree and move on.

These past five years, my second term as councillor, did not start very well. There were proposals to turn open spaces and gardens into car parks, which, thankfully, after lots of pressure and discussion, were abandoned.

Irresponsible spending before the 2007 council election meant that the council was stuck with a deficit that conditioned what councillors could propose and achieve. I still managed to garner support for various proposals – from promoting a policy of planting local species of trees, installing play equipment in gardens, promoting and reminding residents of recycling schemes, working on educational courses and sports and cultural events and upgrading public spaces. I also kept up the pressure over overdevelopment after the government, in 2006, condemned whole areas that had just settled down to become construction zones once again. I am not one to shy away from taking the initiative and drew up proposals on controlling overdevelopment which were approved by the whole council. These were sent to the planning authority.

Putting the issue of the uncontrolled activities in quarries back on the council’s agenda despite resistance and spokes in the wheels is one achievement of which I am very proud. I am also very proud of promoting close contacts and cooperation with local organisations, including our band club. The professionalism of their performances is something we Attard residents are very proud of.

Our community is constantly developing and there will always be issues which need tackling. My main priorities, should I be re-elected come March 10, will be to seek consensus and agreement on a mobility plan for Attard, with an emphasis on pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly streets and pressing for continuous improvement in public transport. I will continue my attempts at sourcing funding for the restoration of the unique railway embankment, ensure that my recent proposals for a new public library are followed through and promote campaigns about recycling, energy efficiency and overdevelopment.

I can be contacted on 99894962, and


Inservi – bid-djalogu u l-ideat

February 28, 2012

Ralph Cassar

Min jafni, jaf li mhux xi wieħed li noqgħod ninħela f’piki u argumenti bla bżonn. F’dawn is-snin bħala kunsillier f’isem Alternattiva Demokratika għamilt mill-aħjar biex inwassal il-prijoritajiet tiegħi fuq l-aġenda tal-kunsill. Dan billi nikkonvinċi bid-djalogu lill-kollegi kunsilliera. Fejn ma qbiltx ma ddejjaqtx ngħid kif u għaliex. L-ewwel snin ta’ dan il-kunsill ma kienux faċli, iżda xorta ħdimt ma’ kunsilliera oħra, huma min huma, biex intejjbu s-sitwazzjoni.

Kburi li ma qgħadtx lura milli kontinwament nagħmel il-proposti tiegħi. Emfasizzajt ħafna fuq il-protezzjoni ta’ spazji miftuħa anke meta kien hemm proposti biex dawn, bħall-pjazza ta’ wara l-knisja u dik tal-qasam tad-djar tal-gvern jinqalgħu u jsiru parti mit-triq. Jekk inkun elett fil-kunsill inkompli niddefendi dawn l-ispazji, anzi nikkopera ma’ sħabi, biex fejn possibbli jiżdiedu l-ispazji pubbliċi. Il-kredenzjali tiegħi f’dal-qasam jitkellmu waħdehom – mix-xogħol tiegħi kontra żvilupp żejjed fosthom f’Ta’ Fġieni u Triq Dun Mikiel Xerri sa’ l-attiviżmu tiegħi u l-partit tiegħi fuq bażi nazzjonali.

Għalkemm kien hemm xi intoppi minħabba sejbiet arkeoloġiċi, kburi ukoll li kont minn tal-ewwel li insistejt u ħdimt fuq l-immodernizzar tal-Ġnien Ħal Warda u l-inklużjoni ta’ ‘open air gym’ f’dal-ġnien.

Problema serja li ili naħdem fuqha mill-1994 hija dik tal-isfreġju u l-illegalitajiet tal-barrieri f’Wied Inċita. Kburi li wasalna għal azzjoni fil-qrati fl-2009 u t-tkomplija tal-azzjoni fil-qrati dan l-aħħar. Jekk nerġa niġi elett niżgura li dan il-każ jibqgħa prijorita għall-kunsill.

Fost l-affarijiet li ħdimt fuqhom huma l-iskemi ta’ riċiklaġġ fosthom il-proġett ta’ kull sena eko-festa (is-separazzjoni tal-iskart iġġenerat fil-festa ta’ Santa Marija), sports fit-toroq, korsijiet u fuljetti edukattivi dwar ir-riċiklaġġ, l-użu ta’ enerġija alternattiva mill-iskola primarja u f’sinjali tat-traffiku, u t-tħawwil ta’ siġar Maltin.

Prijoritajiet li nħoss li se nkompli naħdem fuqhom huma pjan għall-mobilita b’emfasi fuq bankini tajba, u toroq residenzjali aktar sikuri kemm għal min jimxi, kif ukoll għal min juża r-rota. Se nkompli naħdem biex il-faċilitajiet tal-librerija pubblika, inkluż post ġdid għaliha, jitjiebu bit-tir li din issir ċentru ħaj għall-komunita tagħna. Ir-restawr tal-linja tal-ferrovija, li għalkemm għamilt ħafna xogħol biex issir ma wasalniex għaliha issa għandha issir prijorita.

Fl-aħħar mill-aħħar b’wiċċi minn quddiem inwiegħed li naħdem biex il-kunsill jaħdem permezz tad-djalogu u l-koperazzjoni, lil hinn mill-piki, kif jistħoqqlu Ħ’Attard. Id-diversita ta’ opinjonijiet hija vantaġġ għax mid-diversita joħroġ l-aħjar. Kunsill mingħajr diskussjoni u konfront tal-ideat jaqa’ fil-medjokrita. Mhux se niddejjaq nirringrazzja lill-kunsilliera l-oħra li speċjalment f’dawn l-aħħar sentejn irnexxielna naħdmu flimkien b’mod aktar seren, mhux għax qbilna f’kollox, imma għax irrispettajna l-opinjonijiet xi kultant differenti ta’ xulxin.

Nirringrazzjak tal-appoġġ u l-fiduċja tiegħek. Bħal dejjem jiena disponibbli niltaqa’ u nisma’ l-ideat tiegħek. Tista’ tikkuntattjani fuq 99894962, u

Greening Ħ’Attard

February 17, 2012

Recently some criticism was targeted at me in the comments section of (, regarding the total upgrade of a dilapidated space, called a ‘playing field’, in H’Attard. After lots of work money was sourced from the MEPA urban improvement funds for the total upgrade of the Hal Warda playing field. Here is my take on this issue.

1. Yes, Hal Warda garden is way off its target completion date. The facts are: archaeological remains were found and the process took long, since archaeologists had to examine the site, things take long because of permitting issues and the appointment of a person (as per law) to monitor the excavation works. Work which could have been done mechanically HAD to be done manually. Believe me the remains could have been just ignored- it is not that difficult – “fejn? vera?  ma rajnihomx!”.

2. Remains were found because of works on an additional reservoir – a decision taken collectively which I do not regret – the more water catchment the better, our little contribution to collecting rainwater!

3. No, the area being ‘covered with concrete’ is not more than that in the previous dilapitated ‘garden’, and yes an area is reserved for open air gym equipment – something I am very proud of having with others proposed and worked for – let’s really DEVELOP in the positive sense our urban spaces into areas for the community, to meet, play and rest.

4. Yes, some eucalyptus trees were removed – these are an alien species which literally suck the soil dry. Will be replaced (anyway if elected I will make sure of this), with indigenous trees (e.g. poplar, olive, sandarac gum). Expert environmental manager consulted on this point.

5. I personally pushed for and oversaw the planting of hundreds of indigenous trees in every available space in H’Attard – been there, done that, will keep on doing it.

As for other green efforts, here are just a few: leaflets for events in which i was directly involved were printed on recycled paper, I constantly emphasised the need to remind and inform people about recycling options, in fact every few months residents received leaflets reminding them of recycling timetable, piloted recycling of waste during local festa, asked for and got funding for photovoltaic system for local primary school, asked and piloted the planting of hundreds of trees including in Wied Irmiedi and the local school grounds, trying prototype solar powered street signs for zebra crossings (still some issues with battery power here…hope to solve soon!), saving gardens from being turned into tarmced ‘parking’….  no, I did not manage to have everything my way, that’s life! And yes there are still issues, problems and challenges which we all must face and work to solve together. I will never promise to ‘save the world’ or a superman solving everything in a click of a finger – what I do promise is to do my best, according to my principles and policies.


Collection of unwanted clothes for recycling 18 February

February 17, 2012

Used/unwanted (but CLEAN) clothes and textiles will be collected
tomorrow Saturday 18 February between 9am and noon in ATTARD (Triq
il-Mosta, near bring-in-site in front of HSBC branch).


Wied Inċita … l-kampanja mhux miżbla (suppost)

February 14, 2012

Minbarra l-ħidma tiegħi fuq l-isfreġju tal-barrieri f’Wied Inċita, ħidma li ilha sejra mill-anqas mill-1994 hemm ukoll ħidma kontinwa li forsi ftit tidher – dak ta’ rimi illegali u sottomissjonijiet lill-MEPA dwar żvilupp esaġerat. Mhux l-ewwel darba ukoll li saru rapporti lill-Pulizija dwar ħsejjes kontinwi bil-lejl minn stabbilimenti f’Ta’ Qali – jew il-liġi tħallihom jagħmlu li jridu jew il-Pulizija mhux interessati. Hawn taħt hawn eżempju wieħed ta’ rapport dwar rimi illegali ta’ skart wara li xi residenti altruwisti ġibduli l-attenzjoni ta’ x’qed jiġri fil-ftit kampanja li baqa’ wara l-isptar Monte Carmeli.

Naprezza li l-MEPA ħarġet ordni ta’ infurzar. Wasal iż-żmien iżda li s-sezzjoni ta’ infurzar tissaħħaħ sew u tingħata r-riżorsi biex twettaq l-ordnijiet li jinħarġu.

 19/01/2012 15:09
Reference is made for Posting Number – 4970

Client Name – Ralph Cassar

Contact Details
Address     – Javet, Triq il-Pitkali
Postcode    – ATD2217
Locality    – Attard
Country     – Malta

Telephone Number – 27016651
Mobile Number    – 99894962
Fax Number       –

Ghaziz Sur Walker,

Qed nibghatlek ritratti ta’ rimi ta’ skart tal-bini li ittiehdu dan l-ahhar
li qed isir wara l-isptar Mount Carmel f’H’Attard (fuq Wied Incita) ghal
azzjoni minn naha taghkom.


Ralph Cassar
Kunsillier Ħ’Attard
[attachment “incita1.jpg”]
[attachment “incita2.jpg”]

Complaint Ref:  CM127/12

Dear Mr. Cassar,

Kindly  note  that  following  investigations  made by the area Enforcement
Officer  this  office was informed that an enforcement notice was issued in
ECF42/12 for dumping of inert material.

Should  you  require  further  information  do  not hesitate to contact the
Complaints Office on 2290 3092 or 2290 3010.


A***** **********
Complaints Office

Green works

February 11, 2012

Having contributed to my community as an Alternattiva Demokratika local councillor for nine years has taught me one important thing – to insist on my priorities and proposals but also to seek consensus and agreement and where this is not possible to agree to disagree and move on.

These past five years, my second term as councillor, did not start very well. There were proposals to turn open spaces and gardens into car parks, which, thankfully, after lots of pressure and discussion, were abandoned.

Irresponsible spending before the 2007 council election meant that the council was stuck with a deficit that conditioned what councillors could propose and achieve. I still managed to garner support for various proposals – from promoting a policy of planting local species of trees, installing play equipment in gardens, promoting and reminding residents of recycling schemes, working on educational courses and sports and cultural events and upgrading public spaces. I also kept up the pressure over overdevelopment after the government, in 2006, condemned whole areas that had just settled down to become construction zones once again.

Putting the issue of the uncontrolled activities in quarries back on the council’s agenda despite resistance and spokes in the wheels is one achievement of which I am very proud. I am also very proud of promoting close contacts and cooperation with local organisations, including our band club. The professionalism of their performances is something we Attard residents are very proud of.

Our community is constantly developing and there will always be issues which need tackling. My main priorities, should I be re-elected come March 10, will be to seek consensus and agreement on a mobility plan for Attard, with an emphasis on pedestrian- and bicycle-friendly streets and pressing for continuous improvement in public transport. I will continue my attempts at sourcing funding for the restoration of the unique railway embankment, ensure that my recent proposals for a new public library are followed through and promote campaigns about recycling, energy efficiency and overdevelopment.

A reply to ignorant and illiterate Nationalists (with apologies to all the others)

February 10, 2012

The news on certain stations and the comments on newspapers shows that whenever it comes to mistakes by the Nationalist government, either news is spinned to imply that the ‘others’ misunderstood or are uncapable of reading and understanding a civil service directive or else ignorant, stupid and illiterate supporters spread lies and false information. Being ignorant and stupid and used to sucking up to their arrogant leaders they repeat their lies and convince themselves it is the truth.

Civil Service Directive 5 states clearly that, unlike previous local council elections, local council candidates HAVE TO take compulsory unpaid leave. Nationalist candidates themselves did not know of this rule. At the risk of finding myself in trouble I am publishing all email correspondence between me and various senior civil service officials.

The first email is my email asking for clarification – to check if I understood the rule correctly. It is clear enough, but getting a confirmation never hurts does it? The second email confirms my understanding of the directive. The third email came minutes after AD officials argued that the directive is uncalled for and unfair.

All those who are commenting that the directive was misunderstood are ignorant, illiterate and stupid. The fact is that now the directive no longer holds – thanks to us. That’s the plain truth.

I accept that it may have been an oversight or a mistake, but when everything is black on white I will never accept being told that I cannot understand or read a circular – especially by a bunch of idiots on comments’ boards who cannot even make a coherent argument.

From: Ralph Cassar []

Sent: 03 February 2012 14:40

To: Abela Carmel at DLG

Cc: Perit Carmel Cacopardo

Subject: Cirkulari dwar attivita politika

Ghaziz Sur Abela

Kont qed nirreferi ghad-direttiva 5 ta’ Frar 2011 annessa ma’ din l-email. Id-direttiva (Klawsola 4.1) tinfthiem li min ikun kandidat ghall-elezzjoni ta’ kunsill lokali irid jiehu unpaid leave bilfors. Tista’ ticcarali dan il-punt jekk joghogbok?


Ralph Cassar

(Professional Officer 1 MCCAA)

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Serracino Eric at OPM
Date: 2012/2/8
Subject: Cirkulari dwar attivita politika
Cc: Ellul Maria Dolores at OPM, Abela Carmel at DLG

Is-Sur Ralph Cassar

Nagħmel referenza għal email tiegħek rigward id-Direttiva 5 li tirregola l-parteċipazzjoni tal-uffiċjali pubbliċi fil-politika.

Nixtieq ninfurmak li l-paragrafu 4.1 tal-imsemmija Direttiva tipprovdi illi uffiċjali pubbliċi li jkunu jokkupaw pożizzjoni li mhix politikament ristretta, jistgħu jagħżlu li japplikaw għal leave speċjali bla ħlas sabiex jikkontestaw l-elezzjonijiet tal-Kunsilli Lokali. Dan il-leave jkun jibda mill-ewwel ġurnata tax-xogħol wara li titħabbar uffiċjalment id-data tal-elezzjoni.

Iżda l-kandidati  prospettivi  jridu ta’ bilfors jieħdu mill-anqas ħmistax-il ġurnata ta’ xogħol bħala leave speċjali bla ħlas li, tal-anqas, jumejn minn dan il-perjodu jridu jittieħdu qabel jum il-votazzjoni u jumejn oħra wara li jitħabbar ir-riżultat tal-elezzjoni.

Bla dubju, tapprezza li huwa essenzjali li l-fiduċja li l-pubbliku in ġenerali għandu jkollu fl-imparzjalita` tas-Servizz Pubbliku ma’ tiġi mittiefsa bl-ebda mod.  Kien għal din ir-raġuni li nħasset il-ħtieġa li waqt l-aħħar fażi tal-kampanja elettorali, l-uffiċjali  pubbliċi li jkunu se jikkontestaw l-elezzjonijiet tal-Kunsilli Lokali, jinfatmu mill-qadi tad-doveri uffiċjali tagħhom billi jieħdu perjodu ta’ leave speċjali bla ħlas. 

Inselli għalik

D Ellul

Direttur Generali,

Uffiċċju tar-Riżorsi Umani fl-Amministrazzjoni Pubblika  

———- Forwarded message ———-
From: Ellul Maria Dolores at OPM
Date: Thu, Feb 9, 2012 at 6:06 PM
Subject: Political Participation
Cc: Serracino Eric at OPM

Dear Mr. Cassar,

Further to your enquiry, it is being clarified that the policy options at your disposal are threefold:

No requirement to apply for unpaid leave; or
To utilise one’s vacation leave entitlement; or
To apply for unpaid leave.


D. Ellul


AD – Programm elettorali elezzjonijiet lokali 2012

February 1, 2012


Ralph Cassar – Kunsillier AD Ħ’Attard

February 1, 2012

Fuljett elettorali